Tuesday, January 28, 2020

January 2006 Audio Archive Podcast Posted

I've posted the Nocturne Society Audio Archive from January 2006 over on Podbean. Going through the podcast thought perhaps I shouldn't post it because the beginning starts off with some basic housekeeping chatter and I sound SUPER depressed which I often used to be.  But once I get into the topic of the evening it was again of my death which at the time was very fresh in my mind.  Listening to myself speak about it again was pretty hard, very emotional so I decided to post it.

To listen to the podcast you can go to Podbean and download it from Google Play or iTunes. Or you can just press play from our podcast player on the right.

This concludes our Podbean upload limit for January.  Next month we can start again with a new episode and another Audio Archive from the past.  Next month's Audio Archive is REALLY good! My favorite episode so look forward to that.

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Sleep Paralysis Or Old Hag Syndrome

I wanted to share a video posted by Top5s.  It's a great video about sleep paralysis.

Sleep paralysis happens to thousands of people around the world all throughout history. It was once known as the "old Hag" or "Old Hag Syndrome." Science says this is a trick of your brain but the witness details are so specific. Interesting stuff.
My family had something witnesses by multiple people. Nobody was ever paralyzed during the experience but would see a shadow standing at the end of the bed.

If you have experienced this phenomenon I'd love to hear about it in the comments section below.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Podcast Problem SOLVED!

We've solved our podcast space issues! Thanks to the good folks over at Ghostly Podcast for their suggestion to move to Podbean.  I've setup our account and started moving the podcasts over from Soundcloud.

There is a limit to the amount I can move per month so it may take some time for use to catch up, but we'll get there.  Plus you can now listen on iTunes and GooglePlay!!  So awesome!


 September Episode: https://www.podbean.com/eu/pb-ib76w-cf038f

September Audio Archive: https://www.podbean.com/eu/pb-hihxj-cf03b0

And checkout Ghostly Podcast: https://ghostlypodcast.com/ 

Friday, January 3, 2020

YouTube Live Stream: Podcast Delema

I've tried out Live Streaming.  In this one I go over our SoundCloud space issues and would love to hear suggestions.  I also talk about a bit of an odd experience I had over the holidays.