Sunday, February 1, 2015

TOP5s Creepiest Ghost Sightings

Hey my friend over at the Top5s YouTube channel asked me to share a video I really enjoyed. The unique thing about it is the #1 video was recorded by him! Please note the shadow and footsteps are a hologram he admits however the consistent phone interference is unexplained. Check it out!

Nocturne Society Going Away? Please Help!

Yeah, I really haven't been keeping the site up to date. This is mainly due to my uncertainty with the subject. I've become much more interested in science in the past few years and science doesn't really mesh well with the supernatural. I still find the subject fun however more as a source of entertainment than actual "search for the truth" that all these other sites claim.

Recently I received a notice that my domain needs renewed and I'm thinking of letting it go. I'm not even sure if anyone reads the site anymore. If there is real interest I will keep it however if not I don't see a need.

If you would like to see the site continue and get regular updates send me an email or post a comment on the this blog. The deadline is April. The email is