Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Strange Commuter Event

Today something happened that I can’t really explain. I was driving towards the highway on my way to work.  I could see the onramp coming up.  Driving towards me in the other lane was a white Mazda 3 with a crooked license plate.  As he came close he gave me a thumbs up I assumed showing he liked my car.  I thought, “Wow! Since I’ve had this car that was the first thumbs up I’ve gotten.”  That was a small unimportant event.

So I got onto the highway and got up to speed.  I drove at full highway speed (or more) for approximately 5 minutes before I got into heavy traffic and slowed down.  Once traffic slowed I noticed that next to me was that guy that gave me the thumbs up. Same guy, same Mazda, same crooked license plate.  There was just no way he could have been driving the completely different direction, turned around, and caught up with me.  Plus if he was planning to drive on the highway he had passed the onramp when he gave me the thumbs up.  There was just no way that guy could be there, but there he was.

He didn’t look at me or wave but he was the same guy, same shirt, same hair, same sunglasses.  I really can't make sense of it.  I guess it is possible the guy drove insanely fast on a side road but that would be extremely illegal and slow traffic.  I suppose it's also possible he could have turned around and gotten on the highway also driving super fast to catch up.  But when I saw him on the highway he didn't seem in a hurry or driving super fast.

Below is the actual map to help explain.