The New Jersey Devil seemed to be a silly little legend that became a popular bit of local folklore for the area. It even became the name of the profession hockey team for the state. The reason it seems so ridiculous is due to the descriptions witnesses have given of the creature. The first recorded sighting goes way back to 1778 and describe it as a large winged creature similar to a gargoyle with a long horse-like head, red eyes, and bat wings.
The most compelling encounter however happened back in when a woman and her 14 year old son went out on a snowy night to unplug their Christmas lights from a utility pole. The woman noticed her son frozen in fear looking up into a nearby tree. Following his gaze she saw what appeared to be a large bat winged creature looking down on them. She grabbed her son and ran for the house as the creature swooped out of the tree, flew over her head and landed on the roof. The two ran inside and heard it walking on the rooftop. The next morning her husband went out and saw footprints on the roof and took several pictures on of which is shown here.
The interesting thing about it is that to hoax these footprints a person would have to be on the roof leaving your own footprints. The only way this could have been hoaxed would be to be suspended above the roof or created using a long pole of some sort. Regardless the witnesses were interviewed on the third season of Monsterquest and subjected to a polygraph exam, which found them to be telling the truth.
More information can be found at The Devil Hunters
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Is Science Smarter Than You?
The bigfoot phenomenon is a classic cryptozoologic debate between scientists and researchers. It always boils down to what a witness sees verses what scientists tells them they are seeing. Scanning through the Monsterquest program on the History channel there are many episodes about bigfoot with each region calling it a different name. bigfoot, sasquatch, hairy man, grass man, skunk ape, all talk about the same creature. On one particular episode about bigfoot in New York State a Professor of Anthropology Dr. Phillips Stevens Jr. at the University of Buffalo said all the bigfoot sighting are proof that humans have a ingrained need to see humanoid creatures in nature and called it anthropomorphism.
I am a skeptic and don’t know that I believe in the existence of bigfoot but even I not only found this ridiculous but insulting. Anthropomorphism is a form of storytelling that depicts animals, plants, and even forces of nature in a human form for the purpose of the story such as the north wind blowing out breath with a human face. It is not a psychological delusion that overwrites what a person is witnessing. To state that the witnesses are all seeing hairy humanoids out of a psychological need to fill a subconscious human psychosis to see such things is ludicrous.
I can understand under certain light and weather conditions a bear can be mistaken for a sasquatch. I’m certain misidentification account for a large amount of sightings. But I do not think the sasquatch is a hallucination created by the witnesses unknown desire to see a humanoid creature in nature. That blanket statement to me sounds very pompous and I hate it when groups use statements like these to lift themselves above the masses and their “simple” minds.
- C
Definition of Anthropomorphism
I am a skeptic and don’t know that I believe in the existence of bigfoot but even I not only found this ridiculous but insulting. Anthropomorphism is a form of storytelling that depicts animals, plants, and even forces of nature in a human form for the purpose of the story such as the north wind blowing out breath with a human face. It is not a psychological delusion that overwrites what a person is witnessing. To state that the witnesses are all seeing hairy humanoids out of a psychological need to fill a subconscious human psychosis to see such things is ludicrous.
I can understand under certain light and weather conditions a bear can be mistaken for a sasquatch. I’m certain misidentification account for a large amount of sightings. But I do not think the sasquatch is a hallucination created by the witnesses unknown desire to see a humanoid creature in nature. That blanket statement to me sounds very pompous and I hate it when groups use statements like these to lift themselves above the masses and their “simple” minds.
- C
Definition of Anthropomorphism
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Hornet Spook Light
The spook light is often described as a will-o-the-wisp or earth light, a glow orb moving around the forest. The one in this area is reported being seen as far back as 1866 and still can be seen today. It has been chased and vanishes, it has been shot at with no effect, it has passed through people's vehicles and they describe feeling heat radiating from it. It also have been reported in different colors of orange to blue as well as more than one appearing at a time.
There have been many attempts by individuals as well as professional groups to investigate the cause of this light that ranges from the size of a basketball and larger but no solid answer has been found. The most realistic explanation is that it's automobile headlights and watching modern video of the spook light certainly gives that appearance however sightings go back well before autos filled the roads in this area. Seems like a fairly easy theory to test since we all have cars with headlights but so far this hasn't been confirmed. Some have thought it's people playing tricks or a hoax but if that's the case the people doing it are certainly devoted to the cause as we can see from the pictures it has been visible for a number of years.
The idea of will-o-the-wisps, spirit lights, or earth lights have always intrigued me, they remind me of the strange lights Bilbo saw in Mirkwood, leading him off the path. I would love to visit the are and try to see it for myself. Road trip anyone?
- C
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Stange Lights in Villisca
On one of the investigations I was invited by the Southern Wisconsin Paranormal Research Group to the town of Villisca Iowa to a house where a family was murdered with an axe. This is of course the Villisca Axe Murder House as it's now known. It was a fairly uneventful night. We had a few strange temperature readings that went from 75 degrees down to 45 then back to 75. We had an EVP that might have been the sound of a child laughing but that is open to interpretation but this thing that I found the most strange was the photo below.
One of our team was standing in the yard with a digital camera snapping pictures of the house. She was snap a picture, look at it; and if nothing look odd she would erase it and snap another. Suddenly she ran over and said, "Guys look at this." At first I thought bugs with a long exposure but this was a digital camera so I'm not sure how that would work. Also there is that bend in the stream that perfectly repeats itself in all the streams which rules out bug unless they know how to synchronise their flying. Then I thought well she was moving the camera but nothing else is motion blurred so frankly I'm stumped.
It reminds me of the "rods" crazy a few years ago that was eventually completely bunked but this isn't a single object in the frame it's a streaming line that is glowing. I have no idea if this is even the slightest bit paranormal but it is strange if nothing else.
- C
I'm a really big skeptic and especially of photos. You always need to ask the person why they were taking a picture of what they did and what were the circumstances surrounding the photo, but in this case I was standing to the right so I know what was happening.One of our team was standing in the yard with a digital camera snapping pictures of the house. She was snap a picture, look at it; and if nothing look odd she would erase it and snap another. Suddenly she ran over and said, "Guys look at this." At first I thought bugs with a long exposure but this was a digital camera so I'm not sure how that would work. Also there is that bend in the stream that perfectly repeats itself in all the streams which rules out bug unless they know how to synchronise their flying. Then I thought well she was moving the camera but nothing else is motion blurred so frankly I'm stumped.
It reminds me of the "rods" crazy a few years ago that was eventually completely bunked but this isn't a single object in the frame it's a streaming line that is glowing. I have no idea if this is even the slightest bit paranormal but it is strange if nothing else.
- C
Monday, February 21, 2011
Netflix Brought Me Back
So after watching those episodes I began recalling how I enjoyed the ghost hunts, radio interviews, and articles that I was involved in before so I thought I'd start small with just this blog and see where it goes. It's certainly cheaper than buying the url again so it's a great way to "test the waters" and see what the enthusiasts are focusing on now.
- C
Nocturne Society Has Returned......sort of
The Nocturne Society is a paranormal web site that has been online since 2003 however in 2009 it went offline. This was mainly die to the author going through some personal issues however he is now able to focus again on his interests again so things are on the mend. The original url has no been recovered as of yet but for those that remember the site it has been temporarially placed back online and can be viewed by clinking the link below.
For now the original site is not going to be updated so all updates will be on this blog. Also the new email address is thenocturnesociety at gmail dot com.
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