As previously stated I have been away from the "paranormal scene" for a few years now. It wasn't that I had lost interested but due to some personal issues I couldn't devote any time at all to it so the Nocturne Society web site came down.
However in the last six months I've been able to have some free time so I decided to subscribe to Netflix through my gaming system. There I found many interesting shows I'd been missing due to my lack of cable television. One program in particular is the History Channel's MonsterQuest. Netflix has four seasons of the program available. I watched the first season of the 45 minute shows in one afternoon. Unlike many shows they didn't mock the "believers" they were interviewing and always seem to leave things as "maybe it's possible" which is nice. Some shows have the narrator speaking poorly about the people they are interviewing and even thought I'm a HUGE skeptic I don't like to see people being told they are wrong or stupid.
So after watching those episodes I began recalling how I enjoyed the ghost hunts, radio interviews, and articles that I was involved in before so I thought I'd start small with just this blog and see where it goes. It's certainly cheaper than buying the url again so it's a great way to "test the waters" and see what the enthusiasts are focusing on now.
- C
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