Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The New Jersey Devil

The New Jersey Devil seemed to be a silly little legend that became a popular bit of local folklore for the area.  It even became the name of the profession hockey team for the state.  The reason it seems so ridiculous is due to the descriptions witnesses have given of the creature.  The first recorded sighting goes way back to 1778 and describe it as a large winged creature similar to a gargoyle with a long horse-like head, red eyes, and bat wings.

The most compelling encounter however happened back in when a woman and her 14 year old son went out on a snowy night to unplug their Christmas lights from a utility pole.  The woman noticed her son frozen in fear looking up into a nearby tree.  Following his gaze she saw what appeared to be a large bat winged creature looking down on them.  She grabbed her son and ran for the house as the creature swooped out of the tree, flew over her head and landed on the roof.  The two ran inside and heard it walking on the rooftop.  The next morning her husband went out and saw footprints on the roof and took several pictures on of which is shown here.

The interesting thing about it is that to hoax these footprints a person would have to be on the roof leaving your own footprints.  The only way this could have been hoaxed would be to be suspended above the roof or created using a long pole of some sort.  Regardless the witnesses were interviewed on the third season of Monsterquest and subjected to a polygraph exam, which found them to be telling the truth.

More information can be found at The Devil Hunters

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