Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Stange Lights in Villisca

On one of the investigations I was invited by the Southern Wisconsin Paranormal Research Group to the town of Villisca Iowa to a house where a family was murdered with an axe.  This is of course the Villisca Axe Murder House as it's now known.  It was a fairly uneventful night.  We had a few strange temperature readings that went from 75 degrees down to 45 then back to 75.  We had an EVP that might have been the sound of a child laughing but that is open to interpretation but this thing that I found the most strange was the photo below.

I'm a really big skeptic and especially of photos.  You always need to ask the person why they were taking a picture of what they did and what were the circumstances surrounding the photo, but in this case I was standing to the right so I know what was happening.

One of our team was standing in the yard with a digital camera snapping pictures of the house.  She was snap a picture, look at it; and if nothing look odd she would erase it and snap another.  Suddenly she ran over and said, "Guys look at this."  At first I thought bugs with a long exposure but this was a digital camera so I'm not sure how that would work.  Also there is that bend in the stream that perfectly repeats itself in all the streams which rules out bug unless they know how to synchronise their flying.  Then I thought well she was moving the camera but nothing else is motion blurred so frankly I'm stumped.

It reminds me of the "rods" crazy a few years ago that was eventually completely bunked but this isn't a single object in the frame it's a streaming line that is glowing.  I have no idea if this is even the slightest bit paranormal but it is strange if nothing else.

- C

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