The spook light is often described as a will-o-the-wisp or earth light, a glow orb moving around the forest. The one in this area is reported being seen as far back as 1866 and still can be seen today. It has been chased and vanishes, it has been shot at with no effect, it has passed through people's vehicles and they describe feeling heat radiating from it. It also have been reported in different colors of orange to blue as well as more than one appearing at a time.
There have been many attempts by individuals as well as professional groups to investigate the cause of this light that ranges from the size of a basketball and larger but no solid answer has been found. The most realistic explanation is that it's automobile headlights and watching modern video of the spook light certainly gives that appearance however sightings go back well before autos filled the roads in this area. Seems like a fairly easy theory to test since we all have cars with headlights but so far this hasn't been confirmed. Some have thought it's people playing tricks or a hoax but if that's the case the people doing it are certainly devoted to the cause as we can see from the pictures it has been visible for a number of years.
The idea of will-o-the-wisps, spirit lights, or earth lights have always intrigued me, they remind me of the strange lights Bilbo saw in Mirkwood, leading him off the path. I would love to visit the are and try to see it for myself. Road trip anyone?
- C