I think Jennifer Lauer of the Southern Wisconsin Paranormal Research Group said it best when she told me there are two kinds of investigators, there are paranormal researchers and ghost hunters.
Paranormal researchers are searching for real scientific answers for the mysteries of the paranormal. They study parapsychology and consider all avenues of rational explanation before calling something paranormal evidence.
Ghost hunters on the other hand are weekend hobbyists. They are often overly enthusiastic to see a ghost and are rather quick to call something paranormal evidence. The internet and cable TV is overflowing with ghost hunters displaying a multitude of orb and mist photography. While I would encourage someone to pursue the subject if interested, the sea of un scrutinized evidence passed off as fact is diluting the field.
I think we need to remember that 99% of what we see, hear, smell, etc. has nothing to do with anything paranormal. Our imaginations are very creative. Welcome criticism and suggestions. It may hurt that something you proudly captured on film or EVP isn't really a ghost, but if you don't try to rationally explain we're basically creating hoaxes. I really think steps need to be taken by an investigator to be as skeptical as possible when looking at evidence of paranormal activity. Questions and possible explanations should always be welcomed. However in general I find the paranormal community isn't really open to such suggestions. If something is questioned the defenses instantly come up and rational conversation ends. Often it ends with them saying something about being "more open minded" to things. I've been kicked out of internet forums for even suggesting something might not be a ghost. A forum full of investigators stroking each others egos really gets nothing accomplished.
Below is a picture that is a perfect example. I was standing there when this picture was taken. I saw her snap the shot on her digital camera and then she came running over saying she got something weird. Without a doubt it is strange. As you can see the house in the background is not blurred so the camera was not in motion when the photo was taken,ut whatever is causing those colorful streaks appears to be in motion. We saw no source for this and did not see them when the photo was being taken. Is it paranormal though? I don't think so. Even though I was standing right there, I don't see anything about it that looks paranormal. Strange lights caused by something when the photo was taken yes, but I feel it was something we just didn't notice. What makes me think this are the "s" curves in them. Notice how they all look identical, almost mechanical rather than organic. I don't doubt the camera caught something, I just don't think it was paranormal.

Here's another example that happened to me. I was sitting on my couch when I saw what looked like a small black creature run down the hallway in our house. I got up and ran after it but it vanished. I stopped and thought about what just happened. I was sitting on the couch with my back towards large windows. I was wearing my glasses and a van had just driven down the street. I though perhaps the van reflected on the inside of my glasses creating the illusion of a shape moving down the hall. So I sat there and waited for another vehicle to pass by. Sure enough as the car passed I saw it's reflection on the inside of my glasses. The point is of course that if I just took my initial reaction as fact then a strange ghost creature was loose in my house. But after thinking it through a reason was found. Not as fun as a ghost creature but it solved the mystery.
Its so exciting when you feel you've found something. It sucks when you find solution that debunks it, but really not doing so hurts everyone looking for answers. So I beg you all to listen to other people's criticisms and consider possible explanations for evidence you collect. Also state your opinions of other groups evidence, don't just congratulate them on a good find. At the very least don't post evidence if you don't want honest opinions about it and can't take criticisms.
At the very least if you hear hoof beats, don't expect to find unicorns.