Looking at it with fresh eyes I'm not sure how I feel about this video. I was in a bit of a mood, could have been better.
Monday, October 30, 2017
Posted the Halloween Episode
The Halloween episode is up. In it I talk about my visit to the Villisca axe murder house, some recent strange events, and the paranormal tourism trend that has been popping up. I hope you enjoy.
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Strange Commuter Event
Today something happened that I can’t really explain. I was
driving towards the highway on my way to work.
I could see the onramp coming up.
Driving towards me in the other lane was a white Mazda 3 with a
crooked license plate. As he came close
he gave me a thumbs up I assumed showing he liked my car. I thought, “Wow! Since I’ve had this car that
was the first thumbs up I’ve gotten.” That
was a small unimportant event.
So I got onto the highway and got up to speed. I drove at full highway speed (or more) for
approximately 5 minutes before I got into heavy traffic and slowed down. Once traffic slowed I noticed that next to me
was that guy that gave me the thumbs up. Same guy, same Mazda, same crooked
license plate. There was just no way he
could have been driving the completely different direction, turned around, and
caught up with me. Plus if he was
planning to drive on the highway he had passed the onramp when he gave me the
thumbs up. There was just no way that
guy could be there, but there he was.
He didn’t look at me or wave but he was the same guy, same
shirt, same hair, same sunglasses. I really can't make sense of it. I guess it is possible the guy drove insanely fast on a side road but that would be extremely illegal and slow traffic. I suppose it's also possible he could have turned around and gotten on the highway also driving super fast to catch up. But when I saw him on the highway he didn't seem in a hurry or driving super fast.
Below is the actual map to help explain.
Sunday, August 13, 2017
New Logo
In light of the updated YouTube program I've also updated the profile logo for our social media accounts. Little fancier, some say too fancy and they liked the old one but we'll try it for awhile. I hope you like it.
Saturday, August 12, 2017
Nocturne Society Update for August Posted
Posted a brand new Nocturne Society episode for August. Here I discuss what's happened since I've been gone, the new format of the Nocturne Society, and my new philosophy on the paranormal. It's a little over 10 minutes so I hope you have time to give it a look.
Thank you and I hope you enjoy.
Thank you and I hope you enjoy.
Sunday, July 23, 2017
Interesting Photo of Strange Creature
Here is a photo that caught my attention on the Twitter feed snapped by a man walking his dog in UK I believe. It seemed like a furry or feathery long necked creature poking it's head up for a look. Of course we can't rule out a hoax because it could easily be an edited photo of a heron or other long necked bird. Frankly the more I look at the pic the more I think it's just a freakin' log. lol
Apparently local residents have been trying to agree on a name for it which also lends it to be more of a promotional hoax. But interesting to ponder. For the full article click the link below.
Monday, July 17, 2017
Nocturne Society Audio Archive
The uploading has begun. I have decided to move all my audio programs to the YouTube channel so that they may live on.
Starting from way back in 2005 and 2006 I created 10 episodes exploring topics of paranormal, supernatural, cryptozoology, and the unexplained. There are interviews where other share their stories and even a radio program I was invited to be a part of.
Who knows, perhaps it will inspire me to start it all back up again. I'm going to try and upload a couple each night. Remember they are purely audio, the creepy visuals are just a video loop .....maybe.
Nocturne Society on YouTube
Starting from way back in 2005 and 2006 I created 10 episodes exploring topics of paranormal, supernatural, cryptozoology, and the unexplained. There are interviews where other share their stories and even a radio program I was invited to be a part of.
Who knows, perhaps it will inspire me to start it all back up again. I'm going to try and upload a couple each night. Remember they are purely audio, the creepy visuals are just a video loop .....maybe.
Nocturne Society on YouTube
Wednesday, June 7, 2017
Mothman Appears To Be On The Flap In Chicago

According to an article in Mysterious Universe (http://mysteriousuniverse.org/2017/06/chicagos-current-mothman-flap-a-warning-says-expert/) Mothman has had several sightings recently in the Chicago area. Several reports coming in during the months of March, April, May, and June.
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
Mysteries of the Unknown
Does anyone else remember this book series from Time Life books? Mysteries of the Unknown. Unfortunately I only got Psychic Powers, Mystic Places, Mystic Voyages, and The UFO Phenomenon. I really wanted to get into the ghosts and spirits books but had to cancel before they arrived.
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
This is Dan Bell
If you enjoy the thrill of exploring abandoned locations
might I recommend “This is Dan Bell” YouTube channel. Although he is not out seeking ghosts and
spirits he certainly picks some of the creepiest locations to document. Dan is also really good at camera work and cinematic
editing to really drive home the eeriness of these locations. Definitely worth a look to any urban
Friday, May 5, 2017
Bigfoot Proof?
I'm a huge skeptic of most of the paranormal/supernatural genera but I find cryptos to be the most plausible since every year science is still finding more species of life.
I'm also a big fan of Les Stroud and his show Survivor Man. Not really a fan of his harmonica but I have respect for his skills. However the Survivor Man: Bigfoot series really left a bad taste in my mouth and kind of lowered his credibility with me. During the time this was made bigfoot hunting programs were very hot and it seemed more like an attempt at a cash grab. He often seems a little uncomfortable with what he is saying.
Here Les tries to show what he is calling proof by showing the odd conglomeration of fallen trees that he is calling a bigfoot signpost. He's saying how could a winter storm make the trees fall in this way? It sounds like his assumption is this all happened during one event but realistically this could have happened over a number of years.
The other issue I have with this is even if you were a bigfoot why would you expend so much energy moving these huge trees just to say, "Berries this way?" Wouldn't it be something far more subtle? Even for a large ape that's a hell of a lot of work.
I feel it was just a sequence of tree falls.
I'm also a big fan of Les Stroud and his show Survivor Man. Not really a fan of his harmonica but I have respect for his skills. However the Survivor Man: Bigfoot series really left a bad taste in my mouth and kind of lowered his credibility with me. During the time this was made bigfoot hunting programs were very hot and it seemed more like an attempt at a cash grab. He often seems a little uncomfortable with what he is saying.
Here Les tries to show what he is calling proof by showing the odd conglomeration of fallen trees that he is calling a bigfoot signpost. He's saying how could a winter storm make the trees fall in this way? It sounds like his assumption is this all happened during one event but realistically this could have happened over a number of years.
The other issue I have with this is even if you were a bigfoot why would you expend so much energy moving these huge trees just to say, "Berries this way?" Wouldn't it be something far more subtle? Even for a large ape that's a hell of a lot of work.
I feel it was just a sequence of tree falls.
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
The Nocturne Society URL is Going Away
FYI: www.nocturnesociety.com is going away. I'm keeping the blog, twitter, etc but I really don't see a use for the url anymore.
Monday, January 23, 2017
Ghost Screaming in Room 209
I'm sure most people have seen this video before. If you haven't the story is that people were complaining to management about a woman screaming in one of the room that had no assigned occupant. An employee is sent to investigate. He is able to confirm he hears screaming and opens the room to find nobody. The furniture is overturned, rug is torn, shower is running. Ghostalkers does an excellent job of dissecting the video and asking showing some real holes.
As the viewer we really see nothing and are left to rely on the audio as fact. Personally I find the floating apparition a bit over the top. Also I would believe it more if there wasn't a music track. In my opinion this video is a hoax because nothing has ever been confirmed. Not the people in the video, not the police report, not even the hotel where it happened. But it's still really fun to consider what if it wasn't fake?
As the viewer we really see nothing and are left to rely on the audio as fact. Personally I find the floating apparition a bit over the top. Also I would believe it more if there wasn't a music track. In my opinion this video is a hoax because nothing has ever been confirmed. Not the people in the video, not the police report, not even the hotel where it happened. But it's still really fun to consider what if it wasn't fake?
Thursday, January 19, 2017
Sounds Recorded While Sleeping
Sounds picked up on sleep recording apps. I never knew these apps existed. Might want to give it a try. Most of them are kind of lame but it would be fun to play with.
Tuesday, January 10, 2017
Another Strange Sound in an Abandoned Mine
I've become quite interested in watching the Exploring Abandoned Mine channel on YouTube. I've watched a lot of them and here is another video with a strange occurrence. At 7:32 there appears to be a intercom call. https://youtu.be/yCy8iWxf1Us?t=7m32s
For my cynical mind this seems too perfect. An abandon mine that has no power but he hears haunting echoes of intercom calls so it’s a bit suspect. However if you look at his channel there are hundreds of videos going back 9 years. Very few of them make claims that there is anything spooky going on so making over hyped fake videos is not his focus. He seems to legitimately enjoy mine exploration for the sake of mine exploration.
I can accept some people aren't of my curious mind but if I heard that I would have a hard time leaving. I would be driven to know what was causing it. I do agree that mines are extremely dangerous and the thought (as one commenter suggests) that it's a warning call before blasting would certainly concern me. You never know what the plans are for a place that you're exploring without permission. I know some States are attempting to collapse abandoned mines to prevent this kind of exploration.
Regardless if it's real or not it is certainly interesting.
For my cynical mind this seems too perfect. An abandon mine that has no power but he hears haunting echoes of intercom calls so it’s a bit suspect. However if you look at his channel there are hundreds of videos going back 9 years. Very few of them make claims that there is anything spooky going on so making over hyped fake videos is not his focus. He seems to legitimately enjoy mine exploration for the sake of mine exploration.
I can accept some people aren't of my curious mind but if I heard that I would have a hard time leaving. I would be driven to know what was causing it. I do agree that mines are extremely dangerous and the thought (as one commenter suggests) that it's a warning call before blasting would certainly concern me. You never know what the plans are for a place that you're exploring without permission. I know some States are attempting to collapse abandoned mines to prevent this kind of exploration.
Regardless if it's real or not it is certainly interesting.
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