Tuesday, December 8, 2015

The Sad Truth of My Paranormal Belief

I have to admit I have been on a long hiatus. This is mainly because my believe in the paranormal and supernatural has mostly dissipated. I’ve become much more interested in the scientific reason behind things rather than turning to any metaphysical reasoning. If find this all very upsetting however because it’s fun to believe in ghosts and the unknown. I love that chill from a spooky story or being in reportedly haunted locations.

I've always considered myself a skeptic but open to the possibilities of something else out there. However in recent years I felt stupid for believing in anything outside the realm of science.   I blame people like Neil deGrasse Tyson and shows like SciShow and Vsauce for swaying me towards the side of logical thinking.

Recently for my job I needed to do some research on haunted locations and realized how much I missed it all.  I love reading about scary tales and locations that are thought to be haunted.  It’s just plain fun.  I would love to bring back the Nocturne Society web page and be involved again. But for me the veil has been lifted so it would all be for novelty and fun of the paranormal rather than the image most paranormal groups try to project of hard researchers looking for answers.  Frankly that is one of the things that drove me away.

Paranormal research groups are always so hilarious.  They talk about hauntings like they can categorize them, “This is a residual haunting. This is an intelligent haunting. Ghosts are usually the result of unsolved business or a tragic event.”  It’s all such crap.  Nobody has proven anything at all.  So these “rules” they come up with are all made up bullshit that is accepted as facts.  But there are no facts…..at all.  There is no proof……at all.  The paranormal is all creepy feelings and unexplained experiences of the people reporting it.  That doesn't mean it's not fun to speculate and talk about.  But lets extinguish all scientific logic before grasping for paranormal causes.

Feedback is very welcome.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Too Jumpy

Here is a good example of what happened when to people bounce emotions off each other during an investigation. If you watch the entire sequence you can see how they escalate to the point at 20:51 when he loses it completely.  You really need to keep a cool head out there.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Missing People

Doing some research I came across David Paulides whom has written a couple books dealing with strange cases of missing people. I started listening to his interviews and YouTube channel and found it fascinating.  David does a great job of not jumping to conclusions and just seems to have a genuine concern for the missing person and their families.

His book Missing 411 and it's sequel are comprehensive books of missing people in North America. Most of these disappearances are under strange circumstances and often resulting in the person never being found or their bodies being found far from the original location.

Being sceptical I feel some of these occurrences are put in a certain light can appear strange but if viewed logically can be explained by animal predation. For instance a puma could easily kill a drag off a grown human leaving the body far from its starting point. However some cases address this possibility leaving a compelling mystery.

I've linked several of the YouTube videos below.  Subscribe to Canam Missing Project YouTube channel for more.


Sunday, February 1, 2015

TOP5s Creepiest Ghost Sightings

Hey my friend over at the Top5s YouTube channel asked me to share a video I really enjoyed. The unique thing about it is the #1 video was recorded by him! Please note the shadow and footsteps are a hologram he admits however the consistent phone interference is unexplained. Check it out!

Nocturne Society Going Away? Please Help!

Yeah, I really haven't been keeping the site up to date. This is mainly due to my uncertainty with the subject. I've become much more interested in science in the past few years and science doesn't really mesh well with the supernatural. I still find the subject fun however more as a source of entertainment than actual "search for the truth" that all these other sites claim.

Recently I received a notice that my domain needs renewed and I'm thinking of letting it go. I'm not even sure if anyone reads the site anymore. If there is real interest I will keep it however if not I don't see a need.

If you would like to see the site continue and get regular updates send me an email or post a comment on the this blog. The deadline is April. The email is thenocturnesociety@gmail.com.