Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Future of the Nocturne Society & Podcasts

Hi all

As we slowly creep towards October my thought always turn to the Nocturne Society, how it's changed over the years, and where it's going.

After my divorce in 2009 I became focused on my own issues and let the NS website become abandon.  Of course we all know if you don't update your content people go away.  So the once very popular website was mainly forgotten.  This was 100% my fault.  Since then I've made a few mild attempts to bring it back with a podcast and social media but nothing has really made it stick.  I've taken a few steps back and attempted to dissect the issues and here's what I've come up with.

First of all I don't think people are as eager to READ articles these days.  Reading take time and effort.  I'm sure when you saw this post you questioned if you even wanted to take the time to read it.  So while I think this blog and twitter has it's place to inform people what I've created I don't know that articles to read are of much use.

Next is my attitude towards the topic.  I'm a skeptic.  I'm not "all aboard the ghost train" like 90% of the paranormal community.  While I feel it's the most healthy and intelligent attitude to have towards these questionable topics, I do not find this the most popular one.

And finally my investment towards the Nocturne Society itself, both in time and money.  I of course have a full-time career that I find interesting and rewarding, so I'm not looking towards the NS to supplement that in way.  For me I find the NS and the topics to be interesting, exhilarating, and fun.  All that to say I've been casual about it.  A post here and there, a podcast here and there, isn't going to spell success for the NS.  I create NS using a basic headphone/mic, edited in Adobe Premier that I have for work.  I don't have podcast/streaming equipment.  I don't have a nice microphone, etc.

SO I've decided to take some steps towards raising the bar a bit around here.  First of all I will subscribe to Podbean which will allow me to have unlimited space for past and future podcasts.  I will be posting podcasts with video and/or do live streaming on our YouTube channel. Finally I've started upgrading my equipment by investing in a podcast specific microphone and stream deck.  Hopefully this will not only inspire me to create content but also raise the quality to inspire people to participate and join.

I'm going to investigate the "legality" of me taking my skeptical eye and reviewing existing YouTube "ghost content." I'd like to create some video content where I take a close look at these videos, not necessarily to debunk them but to give some observations, and ask some valid questions.  I'm just not sure what's allowed on YouTube.

And of course I'd love to get back to hosting a podcast and getting some interesting people to join me.

So I'm not saying hold onto your butts for a huge comeback but I'm taking some steps to get back into the swing of creating some interesting paranormal content.

I hope you'll join me.